View Full Version : Anybody willing to loan their car to an exhaust?

Penfold aka The Dealer
29-06-2010, 17:54
As some of you may know, A exhust manufacturer recently contacted myself regarding making a Exhaust System for the 5 GTT, They are looking to make a 2.5" exhaust system and are willing to chuck a deal to the owner... :-)

They are making the exhaust for K-Tec, would require the car to be running and to have the car for upto 2 weeks!....

Also must be a 1,4 C1J turbo :)

29-06-2010, 18:02
As some of you may know, A exhust recently contacted myself regarding making a Exhaust System for the 5 GTT, They are looking to make a 2.5" exhaust system and are willing to chuck a deal to the owner... :-)

They are making the exhaust for K-Tec, would require the car to be running and to have the car for upto 2 weeks!....

Also must be a 1,4 C1J turbo :)

you were contacted by an exhaust:scratch: lmao:laugh:

where is the company that needs the car?

Penfold aka The Dealer
29-06-2010, 18:11
you were contacted by an exhaust:scratch: lmao:laugh:

where is the company that needs the car?

Quickly edited ;)

They are based in Folkestone kent, sorry was meant to state that :), they are Piper Cams, I have been in contact with the manager their recently regarding various deals and hopefully trying to work a good deal out for RTOC to get top discount's and maybe to advance their product range...

phase i 16 v turbo
29-06-2010, 18:17
How many cars do they need? I have a few that I could lend out for a free bee!:wasntme:

Penfold aka The Dealer
29-06-2010, 18:21
How many cars do they need? I have a few that I could lend out for a free bee!:wasntme:

They only need one... working tho, oh and a 5 GTT incase bill gets technical ;)

I think they are thinking of a free 2.5" exhuast system, oh and they would like the car to have an existing exhust in situation aswell..

phase i 16 v turbo
29-06-2010, 18:23
They only need one... working tho, oh and a 5 GTT incase bill gets technical ;)

I think they are thinking of a free 2.5" exhuast system, oh and they would like the car to have an existing exhust in situation aswell..

I can help. Let me know what I need to do. Will they pay travel?


Penfold aka The Dealer
29-06-2010, 18:28
I can help. Let me know what I need to do. Will they pay travel?


Pm coming your way.


29-06-2010, 18:40
If not I might be able to help mate, not too far...

Have a side exit exhaust atm but was thinking about replacing.

29-06-2010, 19:26
Oh man...

I'd gladly send my car down...BUT...my C1J has been replaced :sad:

phase i 16 v turbo
29-06-2010, 20:12
Thanks Chris, I will get on to it in the morning.


markey b
03-07-2010, 23:35
my bro has a full 2.5" rear exit system on his blue beast.... quite tight around the rear beam :coffee: