View Full Version : French Super 5 GT Forum

Sam Fish
29-06-2010, 11:34
I have tried registering for this forum loads of times. I can browse certain bits for a day, and them my username is blocked. boooo.

A few weeks ago I had complete access for some reason.
Anybody else managed to register and use the forums? Its a really good resource.

30-06-2010, 15:43
Is this the one you are talking about Sam?


Just had notification from Renault Histoire and collection.

Sam Fish
30-06-2010, 15:49
this one (sorry, I should have put a link):

The forum section has loads of interesting info in the threads.....
But I seem to wait to be approved, and then I cant get any access :(

jesus in the seat of a 5
30-06-2010, 15:49
Very good site , i must have at least twelve of those renault 5 , mostly gt turbo brochures that they have on there but in english....thats quality....:)

old skool turbo power
30-06-2010, 22:45
this one (sorry, I should have put a link):

The forum section has loads of interesting info in the threads.....
But I seem to wait to be approved, and then I cant get any access :(

:agree:it is a good site lots of good pic:cool:but i have had same probs as well mate :confused::(

30-06-2010, 22:59
this one (sorry, I should have put a link):

The forum section has loads of interesting info in the threads.....
But I seem to wait to be approved, and then I cant get any access :(

bonsoir sam .
que désire tu savoir sur le site gt-turbo.org ?
n'hésite pas a me demander : étant membre et secrétaire du CLUB gt-turbo.org

good evening Sam.
what wishes you to know about the gt-turbo.org site?
do not hesitate has to ask me: being member and secretary of the gt-turbo.org CLUB .