View Full Version : Binned Behind Your Back

22-05-2010, 14:46
I spent the day on thursday sorting out the sheds so I had one with car stuff, and one for the olds with all their junk.

There was a phase 1 interior in there in very, VERY good nick. I left in covered up at the side of the house to get pictures today in case anyone was looking for one.

Had a look around and its gone :confused:

So is all the other rubbish.... to the tip :sad2: What a let down.

Has anyone else had stuff scrapped while they weren't looking?

22-05-2010, 19:41
Aye, my mother scrapped my mk1 transit van that was half full of rs turbo and supra spares while i was at work!!!!

23-05-2010, 12:29
Had a mini clubman with a custom space frame setup 2.0 pinto and rear wheel drive, my mum scrapped it and the car trailer it was on while I was away in Africa. The guy who took that away must of been laughing :cry:

23-05-2010, 13:17

23-05-2010, 19:36
my mum scraped my phase 2 when i moved up to liverpool because my neighbours complained!!! never forgiven her never will

r5 rich
23-05-2010, 19:50
my misses of 5 years binned me behind my back, best thing she ever done for me:D

23-05-2010, 20:08
i have lost plenty of parts due to my dad, he never admits it tho

23-05-2010, 20:11
My mum binned a biscuit tin I had with money written on it in black lettering and 100quid in it