View Full Version : dropping engine

13-10-2008, 18:19
is there a guide on here for what to do as in taking everything out, my cars getting ready for a respray so thinking might go balls out and do engine bar whilst im at it

13-10-2008, 22:42
there used to be a guide on the old site...not sure where it is now.

13-10-2008, 22:56
yeah i can remember reading it lol

15-10-2008, 14:25

15-10-2008, 14:39
If I can do it then anybody can!

Just need to get the driveshafts out, with the drivers side you might have some hassle with the split pin and my method of draining the gear box oil by pulling the driveshaft out isn't everyones idea of smootheness (PMT f0' life y0 :laugh:)

Then you just need to be removing the water hoses to start getting yourself some room to see whats connected, then its the mounts and the fuelling side of things, got to remember stuff like the gear lever connector thingy, but it is really easy :agree:

15-10-2008, 15:12
When you say.. 'dropping engine' do you mean dropping it all out from the subframe? Or lifting it out with the engine crane? If you're lifting it with the engine crane (which is what I did for my paint job).. Just basically do what Marcus said. Split pin on the driveshaft isn't too hard.. dunno what he is whinging about :p, but it can be hard lining it up when you are putting it all back together.

Also - Haynes has a write up in the green R5 manual which is good as a check list. Simple enough really :)

15-10-2008, 18:56
was thinking about taking it out from underneth, have a good idea of how to do it as i did my mate with him, was after a check list really so i could just follow the same order when putting the thing back in

Adam L
15-10-2008, 19:01
I'll do an abreviated check list...

Undo everything
Take engine out

Masterbate with oily hands.

15-10-2008, 19:05

15-10-2008, 19:42
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

is there not a guide in the haynes manual?

15-10-2008, 21:33
I have only done it taking the engine out from the top, not messed about with the subframe etc.

All you need to do is take your time and take lots of pics as you go and you will be fine :agree:

15-10-2008, 22:02
ohh you mean taking it out the bottom! more or less the same realy, although if you unbolted the top mounts the whole lot would just drop down once the subframe bolts are undone, obviously making sure before hand that all the cables e.t.c are disconnected. heater matrix hoses, gearbox selector, engine earths,throttle/choke/clutch cables, intercooler/hoses, rad/hoses, vac pipes, and make sure the weight of the subframe/engine is supported then lift the car off. I seem to remember me haz an scoff placeing my car on the edge of the ramps then dropping it down untill the subframe was on a trolly, removing subframe bolts then just lifting the car off!

easy peasy!
this is the pikey method tho! lol

16-10-2008, 19:49
sounds fun think i will get my disconnecting on then lol, just make sure dont drop subframe on legs check

16-10-2008, 20:58
sounds fun think i will get my disconnecting on then lol, just make sure dont drop subframe on legs check

Ah go on be an amusing read if you did :laugh:

16-10-2008, 21:39
take one for the rtoc team lol