View Full Version : Engine bay tidy and Turbo info help.

07-05-2010, 19:23
Im looking to up my engine bay for two reasons 1: to make it look nice 2:to move my air intake away from the turbo and upgrade some parts.
this is how it looks at the moment:

im looking to move the headder tank to the skuttle area and box the filter in behind the n/s headlight, remove the old filter bracket ect. what i want to know is what can i get rid of? is all of the breather system nessasery? is there a more simple but still as efective way of routing all the coolant hoses?

also if i were to upgrade the turbo to a T2/T25 unit (as i had one on my old 5 and liked how it responded) can i get one that is only oil cooled insted of oil and water cooled?

11-05-2010, 16:06

i could really do with some help on this guys, iv been doing a lot of looking in to this on other peoples build thread and just have a couple of questions that i Need answers too... Please.

1: Can i run a standerd T2 turbo safely without water coolant. surly its there for a reason?

2: can i remove the breather pipes, block up the hole to the manifold and just run one off the rocker cover across to the pipe the swirl pot used to sit and t pice one pit to there and the other to a catch tank/bottle?

Thanks in advance ;)

Markey Mark (BD)
11-05-2010, 16:19
For me mate i would first have alook at the wiring in the engine bay, i see a few wires up in the to right hand corner that i don't like the look of (i always like tidy wiring).

I would run the water pipes personally, if the turbo has them i would use them.

Yes you can simplify the breather set up mate, i would bloke off the manifold and run the pipe from rocker cover to the standard pot then from the pot to a catch tank.
Thats how i would do it but i know other people have different ways of doing it.

To make the engine look tidy just make sure all the hose's and pipes run nicely, don't lay all over each other and keep them running in a nice uniform way so it doesn't look like a plate of spagetti under there. :)

11-05-2010, 16:39
this pic maybe of some use, just a few changes.

16-05-2010, 22:20
my engine bay


16-05-2010, 22:25
I dont know how easy it is to relocate your AEI like on the Phase 2 to the scuttle area, you would need a longer king lead but it i'd imagine its straight forward.

16-05-2010, 22:27
my engine bay


Wow bring the DUB style to the frogs love it. :agree:

16-05-2010, 22:30
your carb pipe fro carb to aei is T'd into the overflow is that the crack on phase 1's

16-05-2010, 22:34
I dont know how easy it is to relocate your AEI like on the Phase 2 to the scuttle area, you would need a longer king lead but it i'd imagine its straight forward.

Very easy, just a bit of twisting around and a longer king lead :agree:

16-05-2010, 22:38
your carb pipe fro carb to aei is T'd into the overflow is that the crack on phase 1's

the over flow is the one running over the rocker cover in the pic :)

16-05-2010, 22:44
not you the red 1 lol

16-05-2010, 22:47
Woops, my bad :ashamed:

16-05-2010, 23:01
ouch, if ever there was a recipe for a dead engine ! the reference pipe (not really an overflow) should not be T'ed into the vac pipe.

16-05-2010, 23:14
ouch, if ever there was a recipe for a dead engine ! the reference pipe (not really an overflow) should not be T'ed into the vac pipe.

i thought that looked a bit dodgey
get that sorted mate

16-05-2010, 23:55
your carb pipe fro carb to aei is T'd into the overflow is that the crack on phase 1's

um, good shout...:eek:

17-05-2010, 09:09
your carb pipe fro carb to aei is T'd into the overflow is that the crack on phase 1's
cheers for the help guys, that blue/cream bay looks the dogs :agree:
Iv sorted that now, i noticed it when i put that pic up, but i never noticed it all the times i looked in the bay :ashamed:

this is what it looks like today, i havent finnished the plumbing in the cooling system headder tank. iv been sizing it up with standerd hoses then i will get an order in for fome sfs stuff :agree: