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13-03-2010, 19:54

dave j gtt
13-03-2010, 20:13
Everything that has been part of my evolution am about to talk about and write about, I talk of a place to start and it seems today, Me and who I am what I think and feel is a good starting point.
The cold day that today is, and the enjoyable the last couple of years I have had, I feel I have learnt more as a person about world and life, Than in any of my past and also feel a lot of things seem to have answered there self’s, or in some cases just made me think “maybe just maybe”
Going back now, to my past and remembering when I was a young at 5 or 6, I have always been blessed with a “why what for “ aptitude and always wanted things explaining, To learn more or in some case learn and do more that I should want to. What!! “Yeah that’s right” as an individual what I want to do is different to what someone else wants to do , “ so what is right and what is wrong” Who is anyone to decide or dictate any one individual’s future or life. Everyones Unique.
I have always seemed to want to do and or know more than either someone wants you to know, or what some people think you should or shouldn’t know. So I like so many before have met several Blind spots, things you don’t see at first, or in instance were actions are of positive manner and were people have certain luck or bad luck were things have happened that I wonder to why and the reason behind it, as after all it is life, People always search for answers and or meaning for which to live and enjoy life. I feel one off my meanings is to give, help teach and educate people who don’t seem to go out and want to learn , outside the box things , like people these days aren’t interested about politics or religion so how is anyone in control of there living life. I feel to live and enjoy and to reach and achieve fulfilment all I need to know, Is were I stand, if you know that, you can play your part what ever that part is, were you stand with the girlfriend, the wife , your mate, the boss, the law, The world, and your next door neighbour , if you know were you stand life’s normally great, to be honest and act in gentlemen like manner , to have manner’s and be kind and give not to receive but to enjoy doing some good, what ever it may be , to do something for others is great if everyone enjoyed it as much as I have found I enjoy it, believe me the world would be a better place.

mike r5 gtt
13-03-2010, 20:17

dave j gtt
13-03-2010, 20:20
mike - Somthink i am writing

beside car related knowledge gained from rtoc, It has made me one hell of a writer, via computer's also using different computer programs, when i put effort in. Searhing the net now seems easier due to me having better sence of direction. In past i never really bothered with forums or emails:)

13-03-2010, 20:32
beside car related knowledge gained from rtoc, It has made me one hell of a writer, via computer's also using different computer programs, when i put effort in. Searhing the net now seems easier due to me having better sence of direction. In past i never really bothered with forums or emails:)

same here pc`s didnt really interest me much couple years ago but seem to be on it all the time now its amazing what you can find on the net just need broadband so it dont take all day to download stuff

13-03-2010, 20:42
I enjoyed reading that!
My life is changing quite alot at the moment so everything seems crazy!
Been thinking alot recently about things that i have been totally oblivious to for the last 23 years!

Bit deep this isn't it :cool:

dave j gtt
13-03-2010, 20:55
Cheers :ashamed: deeps good ;) cool stuff everywhere :cool: some not so cool :wasntme:

Its out of my book that am trying to write about anything ramdom, fun or that i have come across ha

and yeah JRP, like you ask you will get a mention :laugh:

13-03-2010, 21:02
deeps good ;) cool stuff everywhere :cool: some not so cool :wasntme:

Sounds a bit........err...... dodgy :laugh: