View Full Version : Just An Idea.......

15-02-2010, 17:52
How about a renault "Gumball" type of event........

just a thought


markey b
15-02-2010, 18:34
1st one to do 50miles wins an oil and coolant top up?

jokin aside, i'd love to do something like that! always wanted to do the gumball but dont have the £5k entry let alone the 100k car to do it in :cry:

15-02-2010, 18:37
Would be awsome ,

:agree: Do a coast to coast cruise like alot of the old boys do in there kit cars and bikes!

15-02-2010, 18:44
Gumball just seems to be full of cocks ..Scumball looks far more interesting but I don't think it still happens does it ?

15-02-2010, 18:50
Wasn't one of them banned due to the death of a person , after one of the cars (thinking a porsche) lost controll ??:scratch:

15-02-2010, 20:02

yeh it can be dangerous but hey if i had a 400bhp machine i think i would get abit carried away sometimes just unfortunately things go wrong and the worst thing that goes wrong is when somebody dies like with this situation.

but yeh bud be mint to do a coast to coast cruise.

15-02-2010, 21:15
yeah was thinking a couple of campsites on the way make a weekend out of it instead of racing :) could do some challenges on the way (silly stuff etc) make it fun instead of a hair brain race.....

15-02-2010, 21:20
isnt that basically translated a nurburgring trip!!!..:p

15-02-2010, 21:23
yeah without the hassel of leaving the country :)

just thought simple to sort out....cheap....bags of fun....

15-02-2010, 21:32
sounds cool i'd like to do something like that!

15-02-2010, 21:32

I would like to see a caravan being towed by a r5gtt on this coastal tour !


15-02-2010, 21:36
Could end up in Newquay, there's a few campsites with static caravans. Really nice down there if the time's right :) Logg's been to a campsite i know of near Newquay.

All converge there from different parts of the country, mass convoy of fives :D :cool:

15-02-2010, 21:38
up for that:agree:

16-02-2010, 09:20
this sounds interesting :)

16-02-2010, 09:28

I would like to see a caravan being towed by a r5gtt on this coastal tour !


Must resist posting a video :laugh:

Penfold aka The Dealer
16-02-2010, 09:37
I would be interested in this. I plan on going on a few camping holidays this year in my 5.

16-02-2010, 09:40
i would be well up for that.

16-02-2010, 10:05
me and about 3-4 other 5 drivers from the mids will be up for that in the summer :D

16-02-2010, 11:28
A Renault 5 Gumball. Sounds glamorous.

Its about £40k to enter the real thing, incidentally.

Penfold aka The Dealer
16-02-2010, 11:39
A Renault 5 Gumball. Sounds glamarous.

Its about £40k to enter the real thing, incidentally.

Remember this is the Renault TURBO Owners Club....dont need to be a 5... ;):D

16-02-2010, 11:46
JP and Handy Andy organised somit like this a few years back, we all met up in Kings Lynn and worked our way round the small villages and awesome Broads of the east anglian coast meeting up with other members along the way, stopping off at a pub for lunch and finishing at Gt Yarmouth for some Arcade based cocking about:agree:

Doing somit like this on a bigger scale would be good but having 20, 30, 40 turbo'd renaults blasting round the coast is gunna get us in trouble, how about we do a coastly run for charity and raise cash for some medical research or research into killing speed cameras

16-02-2010, 12:10
Sounds good to me! I'd be up for it if I EVER get my 5 finished!

16-02-2010, 12:12
Sounds good to me! I'd be up for it if I EVER get my 5 finished!

Join the never ending list of other members in the same boat :D

16-02-2010, 13:05
i think this sounds great how good would it be for so many cars driving around the country, you only get in trouble if you get caight.:cooter: and im sure we wouldnt be doing nothing wrong and always sticking to the speed limit.:D

16-02-2010, 14:04
Could end up in Newquay, there's a few campsites with static caravans. Really nice down there if the time's right :) Logg's been to a campsite i know of near Newquay.

All converge there from different parts of the country, mass convoy of fives :D :cool:

A 'rally' ending up at Newquay gets my vote :agree:

16-02-2010, 14:09
A 'rally' ending up at Newquay gets my vote :agree:


16-02-2010, 14:12
Would really love if this could be done for charity, great exposure for the club too :)

16-02-2010, 14:14
Yep... charity great idea... i can name several...

16-02-2010, 14:27
To be used as a Charity Event would create great public relations IMO :agree:

16-02-2010, 14:32
Could end up in Newquay, there's a few campsites with static caravans. Really nice down there if the time's right :) Logg's been to a campsite i know of near Newquay.

All converge there from different parts of the country, mass convoy of fives :D :cool:

Yeah Trevelgue where Run to the sun gets held and the Miniworld Riviera Run ! Cool site pretty cheap to book a van for a night or two.

16-02-2010, 14:39
Maybe ... We should place this idea to the Commitee and Get this looked into slightly more prices , Location , Times - an dates ... etc etc

16-02-2010, 14:41
A 'rally' ending up at Newquay gets my vote :agree:

Even my missus said she'd be up for that :agree: :agree: :smokin:

16-02-2010, 14:45
Would really love if this could be done for charity, great exposure for the club too :)

We could do a "at how many miles will the first one break down" comp.;)

Good idea but how would money be raised? buckets hanging off the windows?

This is a serious question btw.

16-02-2010, 14:47
Maybe ... We should place this idea to the Commitee and Get this looked into slightly more prices , Location , Times - an dates ... etc etc

Yessss what a good idea..... pull sleves and socks up... this could be another great event in the mixer

16-02-2010, 14:47
A 'rally' ending up at Newquay gets my vote :agree:

should do it when rtts is on

16-02-2010, 14:57
Maybe ... We should place this idea to the Commitee and Get this looked into slightly more prices , Location , Times - an dates ... etc etc

You've got to remember the RTOC rule of 3. :sad:

16-02-2010, 14:57
Regards to Hoolios Question this is a good thinking point ,

Firstly people will be slightly dubious of donating any amount of money Maybe theres a way in which the commitee could produce an idea as to how collection would be done ...

Perhaps they could also come to an arrangement as to a disscount on the eventually picked caravan/camping site location ...

Being a summers day (If we have one :laugh: ) Perhaps a bbq ? Onsite wizzard stall ?

think am getting a bit to carried away now though :wasntme:

16-02-2010, 14:58
You've got to remember the RTOC rule of 3. :sad:

And that is ..... *New to the RTOC*

16-02-2010, 15:04
should do it when rtts is on

RTTS is just full of feck wit Barry boys! There's hardly any of the chilled out DUB's left that made it cool in the first place.

16-02-2010, 15:08
Dont you usually nominate a charity, then assign someone voted by everybody to collect and hold the cash until the event is completed before tallying up and giving it to the said charity.

I know this club has seen a lot of people get ripped off financially with group buys that have gone down the pan or people just not getting goods for their money etc

But the decisions made about anything in terms of charity events/fund raising, should be left in the public eye so EVERYONE knows what is happening at EVERY stage.


16-02-2010, 15:13
How about delivering a load of toys to a childrens home or childrens ward of a hospital if collecting money is a problem.

16-02-2010, 15:19
oh god Logg

Your ideas on a different level :agree:

As for the..

''Dont you usually nominate a charity, then assign someone voted by everybody to collect and hold the cash until the event is completed before tallying up and giving it to the said charity.''

Im not sure buddy ... To be honest never done nothing like this before!!

16-02-2010, 15:20
it wont be easy for us to get money to drive down the country why dont all the people who are going to take part chip in say £10 or £20 i would be willing to pay sure most people would.

if 30 people take part thats £600 alone.

16-02-2010, 15:22
it wont be easy for us to get money to drive down the country why dont all the people who are going to take part chip in say £10 or £20 i would be willing to pay sure most people would.

If it went to charity id cough up money... anything for good causes.

maybe set a world record for amount of renault turbos on one stretch of road at any one time ;)

raise money that way...

16-02-2010, 15:27
If it went to charity id cough up money... anything for good causes.

maybe set a world record for amount of renault turbos on one stretch of road at any one time ;)

raise money that way...

that could work sure guinness world records would get involved in that.

and sure fast car french car mag ect would love a few pics aswell

16-02-2010, 15:27
Guinesss book or records styley ;)

16-02-2010, 15:29
get the likes of PFC , Max flower or what ever to tag along ;)

publicity never does any harm ... could be epic!!:coffee:

16-02-2010, 15:30
that could work sure guinness world records would get involved in that.

and sure fast car french car mag ect would love a few pics aswell

Jrp pops a cracker... thats mag articles... local papers.... charities... world wide press in the guinness book of records... :) ohhh its ok im good

16-02-2010, 15:31
:worship: @ JRP ..... :laugh::laugh:

16-02-2010, 16:03
This sounds like a cracking idea :agree:

Sorry ive not seen this sooner and replied. It is defo something the club would like to support and get involved in helping to make happen. I like the charity idea as well.

Ian, do you have anymore ideas on how/where to make this happen?

Stu :)

Big Steve - Raider
16-02-2010, 16:07
Put Millie & I down for a bit of this action!!! A mass convoy of fives heading to a campsite for a drunken larf sounds like a large portion of WIN :D

16-02-2010, 16:07
get the likes of PFC , Max flower or what ever to tag along ;)

publicity never does any harm ... could be epic!!:coffee:


good luck with that one, expect the usaul "yeah defo we'll be there", then 3 weeks before the event you get an email/phone call saying " sorry, we have double booked you, take some photos, write an article (basically do our jobs for us) and we'll think about printing it, if we can be arsed, and the wind is in the right direction" answer.
It's the law with all those janky media cants!!

16-02-2010, 16:17
should do it when rtts is on

FAIL! That's a massive weekend event in it's own right.

I think a long weekend Friday-Monday, the beauty of Trevelgue the place Logg mentioned is it caters for everyone, so why not bring the kids along. A charity is a top idea, i used to run a mini club here in Southend and we did charity events raising money for the local hospice. We made it in the local rags a few times :)

16-02-2010, 16:29
Charity -wise (and I've done a lot of this before msyelf), the best way to publicly show that the money is definitely going to charity would be to keep the donations online. I've used "JustGiving" quite a lot, people donate online, it all tallies up and anyone can view the webpage to see how things are going.

1) It's viewable by everyone
2) No cash is handled by anyone in the club
3) Also saves the logistics of getting it the charity, as it goes directly to them.

Just an idea.

Big Steve - Raider
16-02-2010, 16:33
... write an article (basically do our jobs for us) and we'll think about printing it, if we can be arsed, and the wind is in the right direction" answer.

It's the law with all those janky media cants!!

You been prescribed some of those special Mart :mart: Cockney Pills again Stu?? :laugh:

16-02-2010, 16:37
You been prescribed some of those special Mark Cockney Pills again Stu?? :laugh:

"knee's up mother brown, knee's up mother brown.........................mines a flat shandy squire, got any jellied eels???????

16-02-2010, 16:41
Seriously thou, this is a really good idea. The events calander is busy this year but we could sub out something in place of this.
Let me know if/how the club can help out with enquiries/bookings or a deposite for anything Ian as per my PM ive just sent you.

16-02-2010, 16:42
Remember this is the Renault TURBO Owners Club....dont need to be a 5... ;):D

dont need to be a TURBO either :);):p
also interested in this :agree:

16-02-2010, 16:44
Who's Mark? :D

Plenty of bank holiday weekends/Easter coming up to make this happen :agree:

Edit: Nice edit Steve :laugh:

Big Steve - Raider
16-02-2010, 16:46
Who's Mark? :D

Plenty of bank holiday weekends/Easter coming up to make this happen :agree:

Edit: Nice edit Steve :laugh:

:innocent: www.whatchaonaboutmritwasntme.com (http://www.whatchaonaboutmritwasntme.com) :laugh: :wasntme:

16-02-2010, 16:48
dont need to be a TURBO either :);):p
also interested in this :agree:

to be fair, if we even insisted people turn up in Renaults i think we'd be struggling. Usually there is more M3's at a meet than blown Renaults :laugh:

16-02-2010, 16:51
Who's Mark? :D

Plenty of bank holiday weekends/Easter coming up to make this happen :agree:

Edit: Nice edit Steve :laugh:

I know that both the bank holiday weekends in May for Trevelgue are booked out for the Riviera Run (mini weekender) and the Run To The Sun weekend (VW weekender)

Trevelgue, this is a place i've been to a few times, caravans are always nice and clean, camping facilities, swimming pool, a bar/disco across the road....... And of course not far away Newquay town centre or Fistral beach and a few others :)


16-02-2010, 16:54
Just being a member of rtoc should be the only stipulation as to who can join in.

Ricky, anything happening August bank-holiday that you know of at Trevelgue?

16-02-2010, 16:58
Just being a member of rtoc should be the only stipulation as to who can join in.

Ricky, anything happening August bank-holiday that you know of at Trevelgue?

Not that i know of, i could make a phone call sounding out our intentions but i think i'd need an idea of how many were to go. Caravans range from:

4-6 berth
6-7 berth
6-8 berth
8+ berth

So then it's down to who you'd share with :scared: :wasntme: ;)

16-02-2010, 16:58
august bank holiday would prob be best more time for people with kids ect to plan:)

Big Steve - Raider
16-02-2010, 17:05
I could make a phone call sounding out our intentions

Yeah sounds like a good idea Riccaaaaay!?

:yeah: TIME FOR A LIST :yeah:

1) Ricardo
2) Big Steve & Millie

16-02-2010, 17:35
Yeah sounds like a good idea Riccaaaaay!?

:yeah: TIME FOR A LIST :yeah:

1) Ricardo
2) Big Steve & Millie

16-02-2010, 17:37
Yeah sounds like a good idea Riccaaaaay!?

:yeah: TIME FOR A LIST :yeah:

1) Ricardo
2) Big Steve & Millie
3) Beardo & mrs Beard

16-02-2010, 17:43
4) Jrp + teddy bear (date dependant and project finnish dependant)

16-02-2010, 17:49
No lists yet :laugh:

16-02-2010, 17:52
No list, list

1) D4WNO

16-02-2010, 17:55
No list, list

1) D4WNO


17-02-2010, 09:08
i will have a thinky and drop some ideas laters....up to my eyes at work at the min but i do think the whole charity thing is an excellent idea :)


17-02-2010, 14:54
i will have a thinky and drop some ideas laters.... :)

Is it worth me calling Trevelgue campsite? I don't wanna be pi55ing on anyone's bonfire here


17-02-2010, 18:08
Is it worth me calling Trevelgue campsite? I don't wanna be pi55ing on anyone's bonfire here


go for it mate :)

Tony Walker
17-02-2010, 20:57
Would definetly be up for this(project and date dependant) i think its a brilliant idea for a charity run it would really improve the clubs reputation. As long as people were sensible'ish' dont want it to become a huge rtoc race from one point to another ;)

17-02-2010, 21:04
Bloody hell, one of my ideas is being taken seriously, yikes, never thought that'd happen :laugh:

Ok so the whole gumball style thing wasn't my idea but the charity bit was, amazing the things you come up with with a beer or 2 inside ya :beer::beer:

Kris M
17-02-2010, 22:55
Im in there like swimwear :D

17-02-2010, 23:07
Depending on the date i should be up for this :D

18-02-2010, 17:06
This is looking like a great idea :) :agree:

18-02-2010, 17:14
interesting, if my car is back on the road and it dont clash with work i could be there

18-02-2010, 17:27
I did make the call to Trevelgue but the chap who deals with this wasn't there but will be tomorrow so i'll make another call then :)

23-02-2010, 16:04
any more news on this yet?

23-02-2010, 16:16
im back in the land of the living on thursday will be putting together some ideas for that

23-02-2010, 16:35
I tried to get hold of 'Andreas' at the Trevelgue campsite by phonecall again but the staff there recommend i send him an e mail as he's so busy :ashamed:. I have sent an e mail so fingers crossed i get a response from him soon, i added my phone number too.

Scrap that, just had a response and they say they should be able to accomodate us! :cool:

They'd like to know what dates we have in mind, i said there could be 100 of us.

So, dates?!

23-02-2010, 17:00
I tried to get hold of 'Andreas' at the Trevelgue campsite by phonecall again but the staff there recommend i send him an e mail as he's so busy :ashamed:. I have sent an e mail so fingers crossed i get a response from him soon, i added my phone number too.

Scrap that, just had a response and they say they should be able to accomodate us! :cool:

They'd like to know what dates we have in mind, i said there could be 100 of us.

So, dates?!

as late in the summer as poss preffered for me but ill go with the flow

23-02-2010, 17:03
August bank holiday sprang to mind, wouldn't want it any later than that i imagine as we'd like to be there in nice weather :)

23-02-2010, 17:08
sounds good to me and still be nice but the traffic will be mayhem with plenty of over heatin 5s blocking the road

23-02-2010, 17:14
Ye of little faith!

I'm not going to e mail back until we've decided probably 2 dates, can go with the bank holiday as 1st option but i guess dependant on whether they're completely booked out. A 2nd back up date.

Also as this is a potential RTOC 'Run' to Newquay will all this be run through the club, i.e deposits to secure caravans??

If Trevelgue give us a definite date for say the bank holiday, they're gonna want to know numbers very soon and a deposit.

Will we get big interest in this 'Run' to Newquay?? Or is there another venue in the pipeline??

Peoples thoughts :)

23-02-2010, 17:31

23-02-2010, 17:37

So after raving about a weekend 'jolly' to Newquay you've probably voted for Croft :D

23-02-2010, 17:42
Not necessarily mate. As I said on that other thread, if the interest is little or non-existent, I won't bother pursuing the Croft trackday organisers for spaces.

And even if both events do happen, there's no reason why I/anyone else can't be in Newquay for the Friday night, and drive straight upto Croft Sunday evening/night/Monday morning, although the 7hr drive might be a killer :D

23-02-2010, 17:47
Not necessarily mate. As I said on that other thread, if the interest is little or non-existent, I won't bother pursuing the Croft trackday organisers for spaces.

And even if both events do happen, there's no reason why I/anyone else can't be in Newquay for the Friday night, and drive straight upto Croft Sunday evening/night/Monday morning, although the 7hr drive might be a killer :D

Dedication :D

Well the chap i sent the e mail to at Trevelgue is waiting for proposed dates, and there was me thinking 100 people would be going :ashamed: Still we can block book the caravans still with less numbers. I'll cast my vote now then :)

Out of interest how long will the poll be running for?

23-02-2010, 17:58
I think I set the poll @ 20 days duration.

I can edit the thread title so that it doesn't look as if it's biased towards Croft.

23-02-2010, 18:12
Can the poll go on the home page? Just thinking of getting better exposure for it, the need for people to vote.

23-02-2010, 18:17
Only the Committee/Scoff can decide/do that. I just about worked out how to create a poll! :D

I thought by putting it 'General Chat' it would get more response, but sadly not; well, not at the moment anyway, so maybe the infamous rtoc 'rule of 3' is already in motion...

23-02-2010, 18:22
Only the Committee/Scoff can decide/do that. I just about worked out how to create a poll! :D

I thought by putting it 'General Chat' it would get more response, but sadly not; well, not at the moment anyway, so maybe the infamous rtoc 'rule of 3' is already in motion...

I need to fill at least 1 caravan! :ashamed: :D

Early days squire ;) :rolleyes:

23-02-2010, 18:26
Not necessarily mate. As I said on that other thread, if the interest is little or non-existent, I won't bother pursuing the Croft trackday organisers for spaces.

And even if both events do happen, there's no reason why I/anyone else can't be in Newquay for the Friday night, and drive straight upto Croft Sunday evening/night/Monday morning, although the 7hr drive might be a killer :D

i would be up for the drive to croft aswell i would have to drive past my house in liverpool but its a good excuse to drop the misses off.:)

thats as long as it is set up properley first.