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View Full Version : 26th - 27th - Sunseeker/Bournemouth rally.

05-02-2010, 10:31
I know its a bit short notice but I forgot myself. 26th and 27th of Feb. First day not a lot of action other than cars being checked and a parade along the seafront. Second day is a good day out in the forests of Ferndown, Wareham, Avon forest and a special stage through somerly house gardens, they have a display of cars for various clubs rs200's etc. There is also a sort of trade fair here. The cars are a mix of machinery from peugeot 206's, group n scoobys, heave hos, metro 6r4's and wrc stuff. I think the tickets sell for around 50 nicker this gives one full car load access to the serice areas and all car parks. I may however be able to get tickets from work for 20nicker.