View Full Version : The Positive Thread

01-02-2010, 10:05
This thread is to make us happy. We should post in to it things we are greatful for or things that make us happy.

I love my family. my kids are great. My Job isnt so bad and I love messing about with cars.

Im glad I have a roof over my head.

The Sunshine is beautifull today.


Good morning everyone. Your turn.

dave r5
01-02-2010, 12:03
my cars neerly finished


01-02-2010, 12:23
:D ive just got a mint renault 5 shell in white, and recently aquired a volvo 1.7 turbo lump, nice little project to do up until mid summer :)

oh and the mrs. things are on the up, not to mention im applying to Royal navy fleet air arm in late june/august for possible helicopter pilot

lifes good :agree:

markey b
01-02-2010, 14:40
i went to see the orange car yesterday for the first time in months, and it started up, so went for a little drive... missed it lots!

01-02-2010, 16:56
Ive Taxed the 21 Turbo!!!

Yep its fully road legal and ive found loads of bits for her.!!!

Happy Happy.

01-02-2010, 17:06
I enjoy working for myself in a family business, being busy and painting/ repairing cars, always trying to improve and recently learning paintless dent removal which is fooking hard but it will pay off if I keep practising.

dangerous dave
01-02-2010, 17:14
I enjoy working for myself in a family business, being busy and painting/ repairing cars, always trying to improve and recently learning paintless dent removal which is fooking hard but it will pay off if I keep practising.

wrightgtt will make me happy with free dent removals from the clio 182 and my van..:p

i also like to give a shout out to biff, french fancies and jogging bottoms, i was cold but i put you on and now im warm and happy:cartman:

01-02-2010, 19:18
I'm on the count down to the weekend as its my birthday Saturday and friends are coming up and out. Selling bits in the garage is funding running and tuning the 5 this year and I fly to NY on the 13th with my better half, Sister-in-law and her boyfriend (one of my best mates) as my wife bought me tickets for Christmas...........GOOD TIMES.

Oh and when I looked out the window this morning, I got straight back into bed cos we had an inch of snow and I knew I could blag going into work late :p

01-02-2010, 20:23
We have a pet cat we rescued from an un-loving home. Shes 5, called Kat (lol) and is very affectionate. She makes me happy knowing she loves our family as much as we love her.

01-02-2010, 20:27
I'm just happy of what I've achieved. Got away from some bad people, found some awesome ones, have a good job, lovely flat and the most awesome man in my life. Got a holiday to plan and nearer to home, a great weekend coming up :)

Oh, and my fishes keep having babies - so cute!

01-02-2010, 22:20
and the most awesome man in my life

:crush: Everyone loves the A to the D to the A to the M to the L

I'd post a nice note to my better half, but the chances of her reading it on a Renault Forum are slightly against me.

I'll post it on the "how do I get my husband out the garage" forum :D

01-02-2010, 22:22
Lol! He doesn't log in much here any more so probably won't see it, but I tell him every day anyway :ashamed:

01-02-2010, 23:14
Still buying bits for the rebuild and loving it almost as much as I did driving her! :crap:

But fingers crossed for next years build! :smokin:

Big Big thanks to the Huge Jeans who I met randomly at GSF today and 6ft6! ;)

Massive :agree:THANKS:agree: to the local crowd of the ones like the BIG MAN DAN & EM, MARC & H, ROBBIE & AUDREY and BOD and family where ever you are love you guys for putting up with me :agree::agree::agree::agree::agree::agree::agree:

As well as the ACE crew hope my shifts match up with more nights this this year! :)

All so Mike for all the OE parts without the the the renault bull@#t :niceone:

Big thanks to the RTOC massive for all the knowledge they behold for me to learn! :agree:

And finally Thanks to :agree:Scoff:agree: for keeping this site running! and good luck with you 1/4mile times this year!:burnrubber:

Oh Dog**** Dave :hump: you too!

01-02-2010, 23:37
i love my life and everything that comes my way, my car is sexy and my friends are very sexy! and also love the sexy visits from fellow rtoc members to my workplace while i play on the ps3! and it makes me smile that they can go home and eat the sexy products from my work!

big shout out to the fellow local rtoc'ers for being a great lot and hope to see you sexy 8astards soon! xxx :D

jesus in the seat of a 5
02-02-2010, 08:11
I like the idea of this ken, a little cheesey but nice...:), @ the mo im feeling quite good , ive managed to pay my £1400.00 tax bill by the end of jan, which was a little bit of a struggle, thanks to some jobs that came in jan and it stopped snowing/raining enough for me to do them, ive taxed the clio and thats going well {thanks jim} , im getting a slow influx of small jobs coming in on the buisness side of things...:D, I have aquired some really nice seats and harnesses for the cup {thanks Al`} and im really looking forward to brands and meeting all the lovely rtoc peeps and hopefully getting the cup set properly on the lm1 {thanks briggs}, all in all if feb goes better than jan well things should be o.k....:)

02-02-2010, 08:26
I like the idea of this ken, a little cheesey but nice...:)

Hey if cheesy makes us smile then im all for cheesy.

Today I woke up to the sound of My girls squabblingover the breakfast table. Most would think thats a bad thing, not me. Just being able to hear them, seeing thier lil personalities develop, its all good :agree:

This morning i am thankful for Coffee, Lemsips and a Wife that makes me my pack lunch.


5teve L
02-02-2010, 08:30
Well where to start.....
Had issues with the tax man & companies house resulting in massive fines, that seems to be sorted now (fingers crossed). The wife & I were on the verge of splitting up just after christmas as well, that also seems to be sorted now, my kids are healthy & happy, & I have an Evo 5 sitting out the front of my house now.... what more could I ask for (maybe a bit more money I suppose)


02-02-2010, 10:50
what could be better i have a gorgeous 5 yr old a very sexy fiance who im marring in america in 2012 a very sexy phase 2 gt a roof over my head a good job (well a job) and going to egypt in 7 weeks.

bring on the summer with the 5!!!

03-02-2010, 09:05
The Renault 21 Turbo Lives!!!!

Started up 1st time today and got me to work with out a blip.

Loved the looks it got sat in traffic. Everyone on the industrial estate heard it as I roared up the road.

LOL, its gunna be a fun day!!!

I hope everyone else has a positive and fruitful day.

03-02-2010, 20:08
have you found recently found god by any chance:D, either that or your getting some.;)

03-02-2010, 20:47
:D ive just got a mint renault 5 shell in white, and recently aquired a volvo 1.7 turbo lump, nice little project to do up until mid summer :)

lifes good :agree:

Totally off topic but was that white shell from Bob?

03-02-2010, 21:28
Totally off topic but was that white shell from Bob?


04-02-2010, 12:05
have you found recently found god by any chance:D, either that or your getting some.;)

Nah man nothing to do with GOD, and the mrs is athletic in the bedroom.

The thread is suposed to just remind us that there are things to be happy about no matter how bad, Work, the weather, or the price of Renault spares is.

Today I picked up a fish bowl a friend had given me to use for some fish another friend is giving to my little girls. Basically they have been given some pretty cool chinese fish. Just because they are my kids. Thats cool.

Good friends and great little girls.


05-02-2010, 08:50
Yep Me again, if you have anything positive to say about anything, or if you want to express gratitude simply for your life this is the place to do it.

This morning i am thankfull for my growing business.

I'm interested in it. Thats a good start. Although I know I have a great deal to learn, not just about the industry but business in general, I am confident.

I could do with a few more staff that i cannot afford but hey ho. Its all on the up.


02-04-2010, 15:10
Its raining outside!!! But me and my family are warm and fed inside. :agree:

02-04-2010, 17:59
I gave the KA a BIG clean and polish, it took me from lunch time till half 5.

Now its raining... but I'm inside with fish fingers, happy stars and beans. Silver lining :)

02-04-2010, 18:14
I gave the KA a BIG clean and polish, it took me from lunch time till half 5.

Now its raining... but I'm inside with fish fingers, happy stars and beans. Silver lining :)

MMmmmm fish fingers.

Ive just presented my Beautiful wife with a bunch of flowers than sat her down and cooked her a goats chees and caramelised red onion ciabatta with fresh red pepper and bell tomato salad. Tall glass of calsberg shandy to go with it.

Shes done so much today for our girls and my lad. They have done easter egg hunts and allsorts. All the kids are tired and falling asleep. I ttok my lad home and got to drive the 5 for 30miles. Its all been a top day.

Life is well and truly good.

phase i 16 v turbo
02-04-2010, 18:51
Been at the beach all day, now sat in the back garden, it is 23 degrees. On my second bottle of wine then out to the local town for a Easter festival. The outlook is sunny.

02-04-2010, 18:56
Been at the beach all day, now sat in the back garden, it is 23 degrees. On my second bottle of wine then out to the local town for a Easter festival. The outlook is sunny.

That sounds awesome fella :agree:

02-04-2010, 18:57
Been at the beach all day, now sat in the back garden, it is 23 degrees. On my second bottle of wine then out to the local town for a Easter festival. The outlook is sunny.

Where is Morden? Australia? :D

old skool turbo power
03-04-2010, 18:04
well life for me ant to bad i guess now.had a crap yr last yr not the best tbh had a few ppl pass away which was not good and wk was lookin bit shadey:(just to top things off i was workin and was stripin wallpaper i was usin the industrial one the big ones we use in painting and decorating and noticed i did not tighten the cap on 100%my own fualt realey and did not let it cool down enough as i turned the cap the prussure forced the cap out (twist and push)as doin that i was in the way and got bout 6 liters of 100dgs of hot water in my face arm and chest,skin had all come off on my arm and chest (the top half).im ok now:) but it feckin hurt like any think big time :cry:wk was very quite at the start of the yr but seems ok now........but only one out come is that i met my g/f last yr in april.:)she is irish and its a long distance relationship very hard to do and lots of arguin this and that and money for plane tickets/spendin money:eek:so we be togther foe a 1yr next wk so all good :agree:dont sound much to some but its been very hard goin out with her but all worth it ;):agree: