View Full Version : What a Sunday!

phase i 16 v turbo
01-02-2010, 09:56
I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the people I was unable to meet up with / return calls etc yesterday. The day started fine, but soon went down hill. I managed to lose my phone, so unable to call people to let them know I was running late, due to lost phone. On my trusted everyday run around (Mondeo) the slave cylinder packed up. The replacement car which I had picked up a few hours before wouldn’t let me in. The locks kept relocking themselves as soon as I turned the key to open the doors. So all in all not my best weekend.

Sorry Mike

01-02-2010, 16:43
I had a **** weekend lost the phone and spent most of the day after work looking for it only for the missus to find it down the back of the bed, spent the whole weekend **** faced and still feel rough:crap: Could you send me your paypal via pm if you like:agree: