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View Full Version : epic fail

markey b
14-12-2009, 00:16
off another forum..


14-12-2009, 01:24

14-12-2009, 10:35
:laugh: Still not quite sure how all that could have happened:scratch: The word panic comes to mind, still,how can you refuse to go in puplic lavs then do something like this!:wasntme:

14-12-2009, 10:38
Thats some epic funny stuff. A total recluse could pull that off i reckon:scared:

Shane P
14-12-2009, 10:45

14-12-2009, 10:59

Honestly i howled this morning!!

14-12-2009, 11:38
:) And to think I've always been mortified by the thought that I might "just" let one drop on a first date.

14-12-2009, 11:39
i dont believe a word of that! :rolleyes:

14-12-2009, 11:57
:laugh: dont believe a word of it though

The new Bill J
14-12-2009, 13:27
Reminds me of a story about a guy from my work (postie).

He had a curry one night, and the next day whilst on delivery he was dying for a Tom Tit. He ended up asking a customer if he could use their toilet, to which they agreed. Anyway, Graham ended up stinking the gaff out so badly he was heaving. He opened the window and was trying to fan the smell out with a towel. It was then that the customer shouted up "Are you alright up there?" as he'd been quite a while. As he turned towards the door to answer he picked up a can of "air freshener" and sprayed it around the room whilst he answered.

Now the problem was, when he turned back round, and saw that he'd just covered the bathroom in shaving foam :laugh:

The bloke's a legend. He also parked his van up down a country lane one day to have a dump. Just as he was squeezing it out a coach full of school kids came down the road, and because of where his van was parked, it couldn't get passed. Of course, the kids sit high up in the coach, so they all saw him squatting in the bush :laugh:

14-12-2009, 13:47
Am I weird?? I dont piss at the same time as ****ting! Normally the piss starts flowing naturally once I have finished dumping...

Big Steve - Raider
14-12-2009, 15:16
Reminds me of a story about a guy from my work (postie....

Great Story their Graham.... :laugh: ;)

The new Bill J
14-12-2009, 16:35
Great Story their Graham.... :laugh: ;)

You're a card, aren't you? :wasntme: