View Full Version : It's magic: mixture screw disappeared!

30-11-2009, 09:05
So I was driving for about half an hour in my 5 when I suddenly noticed a very slight stuttering every now and then. No problem so far. Until I got to a roundabout... when I braked and pushed down the clutch pedal, the engine stalled. That's not normal. Fired it up again and immediately stalled again. I could only make it idle by opening the choke half way of applying lots of throttle. So I immediately thought: something's wrong with the mixture screw or idle jet. A closer look revealed that the mixture screw was just missing all of a sudden! WTF? It must have vibrated out or something... Has anyone else had this problem? Don't want this happening again, as I'm out of spare mixture screws :wasntme:

30-11-2009, 09:10
It can happen, more so if the mixture screw o-ring is worn or missing altogether.

You should be ok with a new one, or failing that, there are tamperproof caps available from Renault (well, they used to be available) which also stops the screw from going awol.

30-11-2009, 09:30
I always stuff a bit of kitchen roll in on top of the screw. Force it in with a small screwdriver. Never popped out again :agree:

01-12-2009, 00:28
I always stuff a bit of kitchen roll in on top of the screw. Force it in with a small screwdriver. Never popped out again :agree:

That's the good ol' 5 spirit!! :wasntme: :agree:

michael tierney
01-12-2009, 09:43
you can restrict the mixture screw tube with a bit of sealant...dont block it or u wont be able to screw!!:)