View Full Version : I have had enough

Shane P
12-10-2009, 13:32
Top oil cooler pipe snapped at the connection to the rad. Stupid piece of sh#t. Oil absolutely everywhere. Been off the road for a 2 weeks as a result of this and being resprayed on the offside, and waiting for my damn turbocharger, why i didnt get turbotechnics to do it for me i dont know ?

Thought it would be time to sort the whole car out once and for all, before i set fire to it. So i bought all the parts to rebuild the suspension, drivers seat, tyres, full service, new T25, relays, lights, numberplates, bumper and grille, paint etc loads and loads of stuff.

Go to put it all together and the bloody replacement oil cooler pipes snap in the brand new radiator again, i cant ****ing believe it !!!!!!!!! Its never happened before on my old car? The result being even more oil everywhere. I am so ****ed off with it that i am gonna leave it a month before i strip it and scrap it.

Time to move on i think, it use to be a pleasent never ending battle, then it got to the point where everything was fixed !! But now i am losing it again, i know a new rad and oil cooler pipes/ separate oil cooler may sort it but whats the point?

I was gonna try and pay a local member to fix it for me, but i doubt that will happen.

Spec in my profile, lots of new parts bought in 2007. I will update this thread with a list of available parts in a couple weeks, local members are welcome to come view the car and pick what they want soon, most of the parts will go for pennies to RTOC members to help with their cars.

Its been fun guys :smokin: but i am all smoked out.

Oh, and the turbo unit will also be up for sale if i ever get it back.


12-10-2009, 13:58
thats unlucky for it to go twice ,, give it one more chance ;)..
does your rad have all the mountig brackets etc

Shane P
12-10-2009, 14:06
It does indeed, it snapped inside the fixing so the rad can't be used for oil anymore :(

dave r5
12-10-2009, 14:26
as said before 1 more try

dont break the car it seems a shame

Shane P
12-10-2009, 14:58
It is a shame unfortunately, i would like to sell it whole if possible as it is quite a good car and has taken me on many an interesting journey, but i dont have it in me anymore.

I am glad Renault made it though, it reminds you that driving can be a pleasure :)

Markey Mark (BD)
12-10-2009, 17:02
If you get an easyout you can get the old part of the oil pipe out of the rad, swap pipe over then the car will be running again

12-10-2009, 17:16
the only person tightening it up was you?

should have set the arm strength to 'nip' rather than 'Funking Tight'.... :disagree:

jesus in the seat of a 5
12-10-2009, 18:02
Shane buddy , you know where i live and j , i have a rad and oil cooler lines for you buddy if it changes your mind and saves your sanity.....:crap:, chin up fella, if not , sell it to me then buy it back when you change your mind....:D...;)

12-10-2009, 18:09
Shane buddy , you know where i live and j , i have a rad and oil cooler lines for you buddy if it changes your mind and saves your sanity.....:crap:, chin up fella, if not , sell it to me then buy it back when you change your mind....:D...;)

yeah c'mon mate,its a very minor issue...my car spat its piston an i fixed it...
:cool:..like sparkie said..i reckon you done it up to darn tight instead of pinching
it up.....can be sorted...


markey b
12-10-2009, 18:50
is it a valeo rad? i found i had to tap the threads on both of the new ones that i purchased as they didn't seem to fit...

i've got a tap here if it helps, can lend it via post :agree:

12-10-2009, 22:11
is it a valeo rad? i found i had to tap the threads on both of the new ones that i purchased as they didn't seem to fit...

i've got a tap here if it helps, can lend it via post :agree:

there ya go shaner,there is help at hand mate...you know you love that car!!
an would be right sour if you sold it on...

Shane P
12-10-2009, 22:19
It was all going well, i had about 20 or so bits and pieces of varying size to fit to the car, honestly thought i was on a roll. :(

This is not normally what i do, i look after people, i can't fix cars.

I know it was my fault. The previous copper radiator oil connections corroded from the inside out so i thought a new standard rad would sort it, with some replacement cooler lines. I could feel when the sandwich plate ends were tight but the radiator ends felt slightly different. Bugger.

It would be great if i could get the piece of pipe out of the oil connection but i cant see myself accomplishing that task using my own skills somehow :crap:

Cheers all for your input, I will take you up on that offer oh Holy One if it still stands :smokin:

12-10-2009, 23:18
post a pic up of the broken pipe in the rad dude. I bet you can get a stud extractor in to remove the broken piece from the rad'

Adam L
12-10-2009, 23:27
I removed a 5 year old broken tap from a twin turbo Soarer exhaust housing recently with a small hammer, and a sharpened hard tool (it was actually an old tap i'd ground down to a point). If you're gentle and have patience you'll get get it out without causing damage or costing money.

Keep it at an angle mind. I've fixed quite a few peoples mistakes and patience is the key. Well, with the stuff I get handed anyway.

12-10-2009, 23:37
and i'm sure George loves you for it....

Adam L
12-10-2009, 23:46
He probably does... I always get stuck with the best jobs...

All that saved me from setting up on the mill and using the carbide drill. Exciting stuff.

12-10-2009, 23:47
I removed a 5 year old broken tap from a twin turbo Soarer exhaust housing recently with a small hammer, and a sharpened hard tool (it was actually an old tap i'd ground down to a point). If you're gentle and have patience you'll get get it out without causing damage or costing money.

Keep it at an angle mind. I've fixed quite a few peoples mistakes and patience is the key. Well, with the stuff I get handed anyway.

so basically ads you just tapped it out...:cooter:

Adam L
12-10-2009, 23:49
so basically ads you just tapped it out...:cooter:

Well, no:p. I couldn't tap it out to start with as as someone else had beat me to it... And snapped their tap in the progress... I however cleaned up their work and made it better:D

I never use coils unless the hole is oversized to start with. I'm that good:D

Shane P
13-10-2009, 00:03
post a pic up of the broken pipe in the rad dude. I bet you can get a stud extractor in to remove the broken piece from the rad'

I'll post up a couple of pics of the mess i have made tomorrow.

13-10-2009, 00:10
bet i could do it,im good at distorting tools an makin dreams happen...:p:laugh::cooter:

13-10-2009, 00:34
I can relate to what you are feeling bro.....................I bought mine about ten weeks ago and got ten minutes use out of it before it all went tits up!.......not a good start at all.
Since then the only use its had was being towed to my mates garage where we fitted a new engine.............
Easy peasy, except it wouldn't tickover properly.....cured thet by fitting the carb off my old engine......then noticed a leak........would you believe that someone had sabotaged the engine we fitted by knocking a phillips screwdriver through the underside of the water cooling pipe on the turbo......(Ever tried getting the banjo bolt off the turbo?.........it's a fu*king doozy let me tell you..........
Sort that out eventually and then discover that the sump on the new engine aint the same as the one on my old one and theres nowhere to connect the breather......so it's sump off time.......except the damn sump won't come off without hoisting the engine up to get clearance!.....
Add to that not being able to get the right clutch cable (what the hell went off with the clutch cable on these evil little cars???????.........when I got one that fitted properly, ie wasn't six or seven inches too long, you kind of notice that they run along the exhaust.....which gets a bit hot, and I guess, snaps/stretches the cable......masterpiece of design there......almost as good as the anti perc fan, which, now I've got it working, sounds like a duck!

I keep having dreams about a cigarette lighter and my car..............

My mate has gone from wanting one to bad mouthing it every time we try and make a bit of progress with it.......I don't think in my heart of hearts that the ruddy thing will ever be right again.....I love to tinker and mess with cars, always have, but working on GTT's is a proper ball ache
Nothing, absolutely nothing is easy........

But its got to the stage now where the little git aint going to beat me!.........no way!
Your car looks superb mate, don't break it up............

Buy mine!..............

just kidding!

Keep the faith, I wouldn't know, but they must be brilliant cars to drive, otherwise why would so many put up with so much grief to keep them running?

Ask me again in six months time and I might even have had a drive in mine by then!.................but hell, I aint holdin' my breath!!!!:mad:

13-10-2009, 00:53
What parts do you actually need bro?.........I've got access to 3 vehicles and you can have what you want for FREE, if you pay postage........(and I've actually got what you want, of course!)

Can't say fairer than that mate!:)

13-10-2009, 10:17
I know the lads at work has got loads of specialist tools for all these kinda problems, so let us know if you need any help

13-10-2009, 10:18
except the damn sump won't come off without hoisting the engine up to get clearance!.....

you can get the sump off without lifting the engine up!

Shane P
13-10-2009, 10:31
I can relate to what you are feeling bro.....................I bought mine about ten weeks ago and got ten minutes use out of it before it all went tits up!.......not a good start at all.
Since then the only use its had was being towed to my mates garage where we fitted a new engine.............
Easy peasy, except it wouldn't tickover properly.....cured thet by fitting the carb off my old engine......then noticed a leak........would you believe that someone had sabotaged the engine we fitted by knocking a phillips screwdriver through the underside of the water cooling pipe on the turbo......(Ever tried getting the banjo bolt off the turbo?.........it's a fu*king doozy let me tell you..........
Sort that out eventually and then discover that the sump on the new engine aint the same as the one on my old one and theres nowhere to connect the breather......so it's sump off time.......except the damn sump won't come off without hoisting the engine up to get clearance!.....
Add to that not being able to get the right clutch cable (what the hell went off with the clutch cable on these evil little cars???????.........when I got one that fitted properly, ie wasn't six or seven inches too long, you kind of notice that they run along the exhaust.....which gets a bit hot, and I guess, snaps/stretches the cable......masterpiece of design there......almost as good as the anti perc fan, which, now I've got it working, sounds like a duck!

I keep having dreams about a cigarette lighter and my car..............

My mate has gone from wanting one to bad mouthing it every time we try and make a bit of progress with it.......I don't think in my heart of hearts that the ruddy thing will ever be right again.....I love to tinker and mess with cars, always have, but working on GTT's is a proper ball ache
Nothing, absolutely nothing is easy........

But its got to the stage now where the little git aint going to beat me!.........no way!
Your car looks superb mate, don't break it up............

Buy mine!..............

just kidding!

Keep the faith, I wouldn't know, but they must be brilliant cars to drive, otherwise why would so many put up with so much grief to keep them running?

Ask me again in six months time and I might even have had a drive in mine by then!.................but hell, I aint holdin' my breath!!!!:mad:

Thanks very much for that, they are a pain in the ass sometimes. This is the closest i have been to getting a car looking standard and running mint. Theres not many bits left to get really. You get use to the simplicity of the engine compared to all this DOHC 16v crossflow cambelt fuel injection business that everyone else has. It has run fautlessly for so long, months and months infact but you could see the radiator just starting to corrode slowly, one of the parts which i hadnt changed as it was only 3 years old.

Doesnt stop it making a big mess when it all goes wrong though, and those damn oil cooler pipes are horrendous purely because of their rigid shape. It would be easier if the bonnet opened the other way as well !!!

J, you are welcome to try buddy, i dont doubt your abilities but it doesnt look easy. I am gonna see if Jesus still has those parts going spare as well, its gonna need them.

Shane P
13-10-2009, 10:37
What parts do you actually need bro?.........I've got access to 3 vehicles and you can have what you want for FREE, if you pay postage........(and I've actually got what you want, of course!)

Can't say fairer than that mate!:)

Much appreciated, i need a radiator and the oil cooler pipe which connects to the upper connection on the rad, offside on the sandwich plate.

Or a separate oil cooler and lines which i just simply cannot afford.

Big Steve - Raider
13-10-2009, 10:43
Don't go losing the faith Shane!

That's a lovely car you've got yourself their, take it from me that when you repair/replace/sort all the little issues the car will serve you well!! I just take my car apart now to keep it clean :rolleyes: & not repair any issues now as it's running like a dream!

This is what it looks like at the moment!


13-10-2009, 10:45
Also, I think Ben's braided (flexible) oil cooler pipes aren't too expensive if you want to do away with the problem for good. Obviously they aren't OE.

Shane P
13-10-2009, 10:53
I know the lads at work has got loads of specialist tools for all these kinda problems, so let us know if you need any help

Cheers dude, i am not technically minded in how to do these things but i definately need help from somewhere ! This is beyond what i can do by myself :)

I know it sounds like a massive deal over nothing, 4 oil connections shouldnt cause that much hassle. If you could see what i have done to make it lovely to drive and be inside with so many genuine Renault parts and lovely standard bodywork, with the weird time constraints due to work (i have to work 24hr shifts sometimes), You would be able to see why i am so annoyed. The iceing on the cake turned into a nightmare a couple days before all the activity starts at work and i cant even get there.

Off outside to take some pics of the mess, Believe me i dont normally bitch this much at all, honestly, but my family has some serious health problems at the moment and things are mounting up fast :(

Cheers for everyones input.

Shane P
13-10-2009, 10:55
Don't go losing the faith Shane!

That's a lovely car you've got yourself their, take it from me that when you repair/replace/sort all the little issues the car will serve you well!! I just take my car apart now to keep it clean :rolleyes: & not repair any issues now as it's running like a dream!

This is what it looks like at the moment!


Cheers Steve, your cars still looks great even with the engine hanging in front of it !, Thankyou for the encouraging words.

Shane P
13-10-2009, 11:21



13-10-2009, 12:08
Stud extractor! It'll whip that staight out with out damaging the rad thread, no problem!!

Measure the size of the hole in the broken part (looks about 6mm?) let me know what it is, PM me your address and ill get an extractor in the post for you this evening (ive got loads kicking around in my toolbox at work, i get them for nowt!)


Shane P
13-10-2009, 12:23
Stud extractor! It'll whip that staight out with out damaging the rad thread, no problem!!

Measure the size of the hole in the broken part (looks about 6mm?) let me know what it is, PM me your address and ill get an extractor in the post for you this evening (ive got loads kicking around in my toolbox at work, i get them for nowt!)


I will measure it and get back to you on that one, thanks :smokin:

13-10-2009, 12:46
(ive got loads kicking around in my toolbox at work, i get them for nowt!)


Thats what the lads here think, they forget that someone is paying for them :cooter:

13-10-2009, 13:05
Thats what the lads here think, they forget that someone is paying for them :cooter:

No really, i do get them for nothing. My tooling supplier makes tools for a lot of different manufactures, he gets more freebies than he can fill his desk with so he palms them off his customers.

13-10-2009, 13:13
Dont give up, it should be an easy fix:)

I had a small problem with the engine in my new gtt which resulted in me doing this after a week of ownership:laugh: Couple of days work & its 100% now.


13-10-2009, 13:24
What on earth happened Jon? :scared:

13-10-2009, 13:33
Heavy bottom end knock. From briefly looking at the original lump, somebody has replaced the rocker cover gasket with silicone, a fair bit of it was loose/floating about in the engine. The oil pressure was low so the strainer on the oil pump is possibly blocked.

Ran so sweet for a week or so until i started giving it a bit of boost. Have popped the engine out of my old white gtt in & it is running very nice now, done clutch at same time as bite was low so not a total loss. Ill rebuild the original lump over winter to keep the numbers right.

Shane P
13-10-2009, 13:54
Also, I think Ben's braided (flexible) oil cooler pipes aren't too expensive if you want to do away with the problem for good. Obviously they aren't OE.

I completely forgot about these, theres me thinking you can only get the pipes if you buy the cooler or go custom :)

I put a ruler up against the hole and it came to around 7-8 mm. J came round for a second opinion and removed the massive gold nut so that we could have a better look at it. :agree:

Oh well, at least it's sunny !!

13-10-2009, 18:34
Much appreciated, i need a radiator and the oil cooler pipe which connects to the upper connection on the rad, offside on the sandwich plate.

Or a separate oil cooler and lines which i just simply cannot afford.

Deffo got a radiator you can have mate, with fan etc.......those other pipes...probably....have to have a look for you bro.

Because I don't really know my arse from my elbow with 5's, I'll take some photo's of my bits, and if the pipery you want is there just piont it out and you can have it mate.

The radiator doesn't leak, but it could do with a clean up before you fit it bro

13-10-2009, 18:38
you can get the sump off without lifting the engine up!

How?................Seriously mate!........we tried everything.........is it by dropping the cross member?.......there was no way that sump was going to come off without us moving the engine..........

However, we are both ex Ford RS men.........and you know us.......hammer, chisel, brute force and ignorance!

Seriously, neither of us has worked on a 5 before....but man, its frustrating:mad:

Shane P
13-10-2009, 19:14
Deffo got a radiator you can have mate, with fan etc.......those other pipes...probably....have to have a look for you bro.

Because I don't really know my arse from my elbow with 5's, I'll take some photo's of my bits, and if the pipery you want is there just piont it out and you can have it mate.

The radiator doesn't leak, but it could do with a clean up before you fit it bro

Cheers dude :smokin:

13-10-2009, 19:15
How?................Seriously mate!........we tried everything.........is it by dropping the cross member?.......there was no way that sump was going to come off without us moving the engine..........

However, we are both ex Ford RS men.........and you know us.......hammer, chisel, brute force and ignorance!

Seriously, neither of us has worked on a 5 before....but man, its frustrating:mad:

doesnt it just come straight down no need to move anything ?

13-10-2009, 19:33
Pics for shane

13-10-2009, 19:43
doesnt it just come straight down no need to move anything ?

If the sump is the ph1 baffled type the engine has to be lifted an inch or so to get the baffle plate past the oil pump. I just undone the front engine mount & gently lifted the engine.

Normal ph2 sump comes off fine though.

Shane P
13-10-2009, 19:45
Cheers for the pics buddy, where abouts on the car does this mount? Its a bit tight round the front :scratch:

13-10-2009, 19:59
Cheers for the pics buddy, where abouts on the car does this mount? Its a bit tight round the front :scratch:
In front of the radiator is good :agree:
check jonnyshaw69 pics half way down the blog


Shane P
13-10-2009, 20:13
Ah i see !, there may just be some hope for me yet ! That is a very nice black 5 in that thread too :smokin:

13-10-2009, 23:28
If the sump is the ph1 baffled type the engine has to be lifted an inch or so to get the baffle plate past the oil pump. I just undone the front engine mount & gently lifted the engine.

Normal ph2 sump comes off fine though.

Bloody hell, you learn something new everyday! Quality advice.

Sump bolts can be a pain to get to around the front cross member area but once undone the sump comes out reasonably easily on a Ph2 sump (sans baffle).

Shane P
28-10-2009, 23:25
Well, the new turbo and Mocal oil cooler were fitted. I had the mobile hydraulic hose man come round to make me a new turbo oil feed hose and to check over the connections i had done up on the sandwich plate.

Everything seems nice and tight. Filled the car with oil and took the king lead out, primed it on the starter for about 10 seconds as i had completely run it out of oil before, twice. Stuck the king lead back in and fired it up. It ran perfect, no oil or mess or even any funny noises, little bit of burning residue after the cleanup, nothing on the floor. 15 mins idling, 15 mins driving and all was well.

Ran like this for 4 days driven everywhere, no problems at all with a spankingly clean engine bay. Bonnet was opened every morning to check levels when cold. Checked it again about 6pm today and all the fluids were present and correct.

Took it out about an hour ago into Weston and it had just pissed oil everywhere, the entire sump gone. The mess on my drive is ridiculous, the mess down the lane is equally ridiculous.

I dont get it , how can it stay clean and fine for 4 days, then just erupt like this?

I could really do with a second pair of hands :(

28-10-2009, 23:32
Dont take it personal,,, its a renault 5. :cooter:

I used to and actually still think im cursed wiv bad luck on mine :laugh: ...i js cant let her go tho lol... cos when there ok.. they make u smile.... js stick in there. :coffee: