View Full Version : Changing Turbo Size

  1. Turbos
  2. lookin for new turbo
  3. TB28 and B18FT?
  4. Is there a small twin scroll turbo that would suit a C1J?
  5. Any b18ft experts plz!!
  6. Want a turbo mmm
  7. The best turbo??
  8. T25 from NZ?
  9. S14 or Gtir turbo ?
  10. 200sx t28 oil feed thread size
  11. VNT Size and Set up
  12. Turbo Technics
  13. ebay special gt28
  14. t28 onto b18ft
  15. Fitting TD04L on B18Ft
  16. I need to source a t25, a.r .49 exhaust housing only.
  17. External gates vs actuator
  18. Turbo stopped spinning up??
  19. possibly t2 turbo comp map?
  20. Where to get a housing machined?
  21. Turbo Water Fittings
  22. T25 Oil Drain
  23. Turbo identification
  24. what vnt's are most common on the 5gtt
  25. Cosworth small turbo t28
  26. GT2554R Garrett - any good?
  27. Gt2560r on c1j?
  28. turbo advice/ turbo experts please.
  29. swapping comp housings?
  30. Pulsar t28 vs silvia t28
  31. what turbo???
  32. turbo advice
  33. Turbo Advice. General Thoughts.
  34. Ko3 upgrade
  35. HT leads?
  36. Turbo porblems, turbo company are telling me you should not adjust actuator?
  37. Garrett GT2554R
  38. Gt22v vnt turbo advice
  39. Turbo actuator question
  40. gt2554r
  41. if money was no option, which would you have and why
  42. Anyone know anyone that can graft a .49 rear onto a GT2860r?
  43. Garrett Identification
  44. Tomcat.
  45. VNTs and EFI
  46. Universal Turbo's GT25BB
  47. Effect of turbine size on ignition timing
  48. new turbo options.
  49. What turbos from other cars fit the C1J as a straight bolt on?